A new initiative to support businesses in Bude launches this week.
Bude Business Voice is a business led programme that will provide helpful information about key issues such as funding, recruitment and collaboration. Tailored support packages for individual businesses are also available and the programme is seeking businesses in Bude, Stratton and the surrounding area who are interested in getting involved. To find out more go to www.budebusinessvoice.co.uk.
Bude Business Voice will build a detailed understanding of the local economy of Bude and its surrounding area. Tourism and visitors of course are vital, but what else is important or could be important in the future? Creative Industries, Environmental Technologies, Health; and what about manufacturing and agriculture? Bude Business Voice will build a definitive answer and, working with the business community and with partners such as Bude and Stratton Town Council and the Chamber of Commerce begin to build the case for increased investment by government, Cornwall Council and other organisations.
Bude Business Voice is led by the Bude Coastal Community Team (BCCT) and funding to support the project has been provided by the Atlantic and Moor Community Led Local Development Fund, Bude Chamber of Commerce, local businesses and Cornwall Development Company.
Paul Tilzey, Chair of BCCT comments:
"BCCT has a strong business focus, many of our volunteers are local business-people, so we’re delighted to have secured this funding for Bude and its surrounding area. Other towns in Cornwall have a co-ordinated business voice contributing to their development, helping to secure new investment for their town. I hope that as Bude Business Voice reaches out and we build a view of what is required to support our economy, we can help our local businesses to have their say and fully contribute to the future development of our community".
Tim Bagshaw, Project Co-ordinator, Bude Business Voice said:
"In the early months of Bude Business Voice we’re looking for individual businesses that we can work closely with. We offer a programme of support and will team up with other local businesses to deliver this. Town and rural economies faced serious challenges before the impact of Covid-19, but now it is more important than ever to build a Bude based response to tackling local business issues and building a stronger economy for the future."
For further information and media attendance, please contact:
Tim Bagshaw, Project Co-ordinator - 07921 132887 / tim@budebusinessvoice.co.uk
Celli Moriarty, Project Support Officer – celli@budebusinessvoice.co.uk

Notes to Editors
Bude Coastal Community Team (BCCT) is a community interest company, led by a volunteer Board and Steering group. The remit and work of BCCT covers the Cornwall Council defined, Bude Community Network Area. As well as local business and community group involvement, BCCT also works in close partnership with the Council, Bude Stratton Town Council and other partners to support this community.
Bude Business Voice is a joint proposal by BCCT, the Bude Chamber of Commerce and local businesses. Their contribution to the project has been added to by grant contribution from the Cornwall Development Company and the Atlantic and Moor CLLD fund.